UPDATED: ASD Raffle Systems

Published by Alicia Stella on Jul-09-2012 (872 reads)

The ASD Raffle System has been updated. Important security features and new options have been added. See list of changes below.

To receive the new version: Touch your old raffle and select UPDATES from menu, or IM Alicia Stella in-world.

Please replace entire objects, scripts and notecards with the new versions. If using your own objects, replace all scripts and notecards from the Orb objects. Use the new boards if you want to see the new colors, info below!

Resized Image


New Raffle Board Designs! - Now you can display the last winner on the board, as well as the raffle restrictions (such as group, picks, etc). Includes four different styles with low prim options.

Raffle Boards now in COLORS! - You can select from 8 color styles in the OBJ OPTIONS > TEXTURE menu. Only works in new board objects and not your own objects.

Entry Limit feature added. - Allow users to enter multiple times: once per day or once per hour. The default is still one per contest, but you can change it from 'RaffleSetup' in the touch menu. Having more tickets will increase an avatar's chance of winning and hopefully bring your customers back more often. You can view how many tickets users have at Web Tools > Current Entries.

Must be Present to Win added. - Set this in Settings notecard in Main raffle object. If active avatars must be in the same parcel or sim (depending on your settings) to be eligible at time of drawing. If they are not present another name will be drawn instead.

• Choose whether to 'Clear All' entrants after contest end -or- retain all users. Set this in Settings notecard inside Main raffle object. Can be useful for drawing multiple winners for the same raffle or so contestants stay on record through to next contest. (Note that avatars are always removed from entries list when they win, even if 'Clear All' is disabled.)

• Will now check for Profile Pick again at time of drawing, in addition to when user enters. If winner does not have place in Picks, another name will be drawn.

• Profile Picks Help texture updated for new viewers.

• Upgrading bug fix and security fixes.

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