Unscheduled Server Maintenance [CLOSED]
Category : Announcements
Published by Alicia Stella on Jan-15-2018
UPDATE JAN 24 - 8:00 AM SLT: Work is now complete.

UPDATE JAN 23 - 7:20 AM SLT: Minor work is still being done on the Visitor Tracker server. It may be become unavailable for a couple of minutes during overnight hours, but work is complete for all other products.

UPDATE JAN 18 - 6:30 AM SLT: Work being done on the Web Tools site along with Tipping Server, Raffle, GiveAway, Delivery, and Camper should be complete now. Some minor tweaks are still being made to the Visitor Tracker server and we may still see brief interruptions in service overnight while work is completed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

UPDATE JAN 16 - 7:30 AM SLT: Hopefully the worst is over. There may be some small downtime over night, so if you have trouble loading the website try again after a few minutes. Otherwise, the majority of work has been completed at this time.


The Web Tools products and website may encounter some temporary issues over the next 24 to 48 hours while the system is upgraded. Sorry for the inconvenience, this is out of my hands as the service provider updating the virtual machines. If you find the website or a product is unavailable, try again in a few minutes.

Hopefully everything gets sorted quickly. You may need to reset your Tipping Server or Visitor Tracker if you notice it has stopped running, but in most cases this will not be necessary. I will continue to post updates here as needed.