Tag Archives: 2 stars

neighborsThe film has a strong start, but meanders and loses steam as it goes. The biggest laughs are all in the trailer, and I realize that's how most comedies are, but unfortunately there's just not any other funny moments that aren't in the trailer at all. I love Seth Rogen and Zac Efron, and they both do a fine job in this film, but the movie is just not up to task when it comes to being as funny as it thinks it is. It's relying too heavily on set-up visuals and situational humor, but the real talent of the actors is in dialogue delivery, but there's not enough clever words to go around.

2.5 Stars (out of 5)

asm-posterWhile I still think it was crazy to reboot the series so soon after the original trilogy, I do like Garfield in this role. His chemistry with Emma Stone makes this worth watching, but not much else. It's nice to see a wise-cracking Spiderman. It's cool to see him using his "spidey-senses" to help save innocent people. But I am tired of watching even yet more evil villains' back-stories. I am tired of watching Peter Parker struggle with whether he wants to be a superhero or not. The espionage sub-plot with his parents is completely useless. Seeing the ghost of Dennis Leary show up randomly was odd. This whole film is a disjointed mess. I'm hoping someone edits together all the Garfield/Stone scenes along with the one Times Square action scene in the middle. That would make a quite enjoyable 45 minute Spiderman film that I wouldn't mind watching again.

2.5 Stars (out of 5)

Johnny-Depp-in-Transcendence-2014-Movie-PosterA modern re-telling of Frankenstein, cautionary tale of technology run amok, and a showcase of future technology all rolled into a suspense drama... That they manage to miss the mark on nearly every beat. This film falls flat, runs long, and confuses more than it astounds, which is unfortunate because I'm interested in the futurist ideas it tries to convey. Perhaps if Depp had shown some sort of humanity in his character we would have had something to compare his digital counterpart to, but unfortunately it's hard to tell them apart due to him, as far as I can tell, phoning it in the whole time.

2 Stars (out of 5)

Muppets-Most-Wanted-PosterI kind of liked two of the musical numbers in this one, and I felt like the Muppets themselves were true to their original characters, but the magic was just not there for me. The bad Kermit character Constantine steals the show, but everything else falls flat and feels like a waste of time. Gone are the glory days of the early original Muppet movies, with memorable songs that brought a tear to your eye, and earnest storylines that had you actually care for the characters and root for a happy ending. Now it's just more of the same: simple by-the-numbers story with Muppet characters shoe-horned in. The best moment in this film was the few seconds we see Rainbow Connection from 1979 on a television.

2.5 Stars (out of 5)

RobocopHave we truly run completely out of new ideas to the point where every single eighties movie must be rebooted in this decade? This one is not the best, but at least it's somewhat watchable. Severely hindered by its PG-13 rating and lack of fun, this movie still manages to capture a little bit of the creepiness that Verhoeven was known for. Most notably, when the main character sees what original parts of himself are still intact underneath the robo-suit, I did get chills. I also enjoyed the discussion about free will being an illusion throughout the film.

2.0 Stars (out of 5)

That-Awkward-Moment-Movie-PosterIf it wasn't for the talented cast this film would've been unwatchable. It tries so hard to show that men have feelings and can be emotional like women that it overshot turning them into cartoon characters. Mmm, ice cream and whiskey go together, see, cause it's girly and manly, at the same time! And can we please be done with bets or arrangements between friends in movies, like agreeing to all stay single, for no good reason? Why would you be friends with someone who won't let you date someone you really like? Maybe these plots worked in the nineties, but it's time we moved on.

2.0 Stars (out of 5)

Anchorman2_PosterHere's one of those situations where the characters themselves are far greater than the very vehicles they originate from. This movie is long, awful, and sometimes flat-out painful. Yet for some reason we'll keep coming back for more. I'll admit I laughed my ass off during two sequences in particular, but then sat in uncomfortable silence for the other 110 minutes. One star for each of those scenes, but nothing else.

2 Stars (out of 5)

american-hustle-posterI was really looking forward to this film but it didn't live up to my high expectations. The acting was top-notch, most notably from Amy Adams, who blew me away scene after scene. The film was shot well and looked great, but everything fell flat, felt long, and offered nothing really special or fun. I love David O. Russell's last film Silver Linings Playbook, and while I still think he's a director at the top of his game, I didn't enjoy this one much at all.

2.5 Stars (out of 5)

The-Worlds-End-2013-Movie-Poster1Maybe it'll be better on a second viewing, but I wasn't as impressed with this one as much their earlier two films. The story felt like a first draft, especially the third act. Shaun of the Dead is a magical film, Hot Fuzz is funny, and this film is... just there. Even though I didn't like The World's End overall, I did laugh my ass off at how completely absurd the ending became. The other end-of-the-world comedy that came out this summer, This is the End, was a lot funnier.

2.5 Stars (out of 5)

blackfishI was hoping for a little more meat to this documentary. This film is more of an indictment of Sea World's upper management than it is a message against keeping intelligent mammals locked in small cages, but you wouldn't know it from all the reviews and hoopla surrounding the film. Regardless of its apparent impact on audiences, I thought it moved slowly and didn't offer very much information, which is a damn shame.

2.5 Stars (out of 5)