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FAQ : Product Doesn't Work When Owner Offline
on 2014/9/26 10:00:00 (4643 reads)

Q: Why does the product stop working when I leave the sim or go Offline?

All products need Permission to RUN SCRIPTS.

Check to be sure you have permission to run scripts on the land parcel and be sure the object is set to the right group if needed. When Parcel settings allow only GROUP to RUN SCRIPTS the object must be set to same group, (even if you are the land owner.)

To set the Group for your object, open object in EDIT. In the GENERAL tab near OWNER and CREATOR you can Click the GROUP button and select it.

Some products may need permission to CREATE OBJECTS too.

See the list below for products that require permission to rez objects. If your land parcel has CREATE OBJECTS or OBJECT ENTRY set to GROUP ONLY you must set the product to the same group as land.

Requires Permission to Create Objects:
Tipping Hat with Magic Bunny
Pay Teleporter
Longer Distance Teleporters

NOTE: It is a SL bug that the scripts even function at all while owner is present if the land settings aren't supposed to permit it.

Related Help: Product suddenly stops working

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