Monthly Archives: June 2011

X-Men: First Class is a pretty good film that sets the right tone for an X-Men movie, bringing it back to a story about teamwork, rather than just letting Wolverine hog all the spotlight.  Despite a lackluster choice of physical locations, uninspired sets, and some cheesy special effects for the film, the actors do a great job and the story is compelling.  If you like comic books and especially X-Men, you will be quite pleased.  It's still a good movie for the average moviegoer too, as long as you can get used to Kevin Bacon as the bad guy.

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I was surfing Wikipedia recently when I came across the following:

Studies indicate that methylparaben applied on the skin may react with UVB leading to increased skin aging and DNA damage. [1][2]

I remember reading something a few years ago about parabens causing cancer, but no one seems to know if it's true or not.  There's a lot of conflicting information out there.  In trying to find more information on the web, I kept coming across that line above about a possible skin reaction with methylparaben when exposed to ultraviolet light.

I always try to  check the ingredients list of things I buy.  It helps me keep away from products that I'm sensitive to.  I reached for some sunblock the other day, since it was a billion degrees outside, and I decided to check the label for methylparaben.  I am after all putting this on my skin, and then going out into the sun.  Sure enough, it was in there. ...continue reading

You've probably heard by now that The Hangover 2 is just a carbon copy duplicate of the original.  If you haven't heard that yet, let me be the one to say it.  It's hilarious at times, namely from the performances of the talented top billed trio, but even that is sadly overshadowed by the lack of ingenuity from the writers.  Director, producer, and co-writer Todd Phillips was more interested in making money than making art.  He's playing it safe on every front and not at all straying from the winning formula of the first film.  It worked then, so it should work now, right?  This film is not lightning in a bottle like the original, it's more like a photo of lightning in a bottle that we already saw already. ...continue reading

Bridesmaids is really funny, and sweet too. As nice as it is to see a film written by women and from a female point of view, the story is missing some pieces here and there. This is the first major motion picture written by Kristen Wiig (SNL) and Annie Mumolo (The Groundlings comedy troupe). For a first script it's fantastic, but for a big Hollywood release it feels a bit unpolished at places. In keeping with Judd Apatow's track record, this film is also about 20 minutes too long.

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