Monthly Archives: February 2012

Now I know how to make Ryan Gosling seem like a good actor. Don't let him say anything. I'm not sure what all the hype was about for this film. It's a well made movie, but I wasn't that entertained by the story. Perhaps my expectations were too high. Movie critics must really enjoy realistic violence and hearing the same song over and over.

2.5 Stars (out of 5)

It's like Outbreak, only without the fun theatrical cheese element. It seems as serious as a documentary but told in a way completely void of a bias. Soderbergh does such a good a job with these characters and events that you often cannot tell who is right or wrong; good or bad. I was on the edge of my seat for the entire movie, but I'll probably never watch it again. Makes me feel ill to my stomach to watch this kind of thing.

3 Stars (out of 5)

Weta Digital and Andy Serkis steal the show here. The plot is simple but effective. There is a slow build through the first and second acts that leads to a satisfying third act of non-stop action with some pleasant surprises thrown in. The motion capture performances breathe real emotion into the computer generated models. You know it's CGI the whole time, but it has a human element so it's fun to watch, unlike the stiff boring CGI usually done by hand. Nothing compares to the nuances of a real human face emoting.

3.5 Stars (out of 5)

When the film started I was really excited. As it went on I found myself losing more and more interest. Felt a lot like when I saw Super 8. I think they tried too hard to explain to the audience what was happening. The charm of the first act is that the main characters have no idea what is happening. When Olivia Wilde starts explaining what aliens are everything goes to hell. I liked it alright though.

3 Stars (out of 5)

I'm tired of seeing movies where the main actors always have their mouth hanging open. Mouth-breather boring action hero crap. They spent years building up The Avengers, but seeing another one of these things is the last thing I want to do at this point. Screw you, I already spent 60+ dollars in movie tickets on this series so far, and they've been getting worse each time. When Samuel L. Jackson pops on screen after the end credits of these films he may as well be reaching his hand out asking for more money.

2 Stars (out of 5)