Monthly Archives: April 2013

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trance-movie-poster-1I remember enjoying it while I was watching it, but the more time that passes the more I'm forgetting why exactly. It's nice that there's a mystery element to the story but once you've seen the film once there's not much else to merit a second viewing. The acting was fine, the directing and especially the use of music was interesting, but the script and the cinematography felt sub-par. I kept asking myself why does this feel like a no-budget indie film? I enjoyed it the once. It goes by at a nice pace and there are some interesting moments interspersed. Could've used a little more action and less of the cheesy, messy, and repetitive talking scenes saying the same things over and over and over again.

3.0 Stars (out of 5)

Jurassic Park: The 3D IMAX ExperienceJurassic Park was the first film I saw multiple times in theaters. It's the movie that made me want to make movies. And it is undoubtedly the film I've watched the most times in my life. (I destroyed my first VHS version through daily viewings in only 6 months.) Seeing it again was exciting but not for the new 3D conversion, the big IMAX screen size, or the blaringly loud sound you can't possibly get at home. No, the best thing was seeing it with a room full of people again; hearing people laugh at lines they may not have caught before, jumping out of their seat when a raptor leaps on screen, and clapping at the end. Once again the studios are going to assume the success here is due to the 3D gimmick, but clearly the real draw is good old-fashioned filmmaking.

5.0 Stars (out of 5)