Monthly Archives: November 2013

The_Hunger_Games_Catching_Fire_Movie_PosterWhile I could definitely tell the budget was higher this time and the director seemed more competent I wouldn't say the film is any better than the first. It suffers from being the middle story of a trilogy. As it goes on you realize this is all just a long set-up for the next film(s). Jennifer Lawrence is good, as always, but there isn't much for her to show off her range except for a few short emotional outbursts. Regardless of these films' somewhat lackluster feel I'm still very interested in the story and cannot wait for the next one so they're doing something right. At least they got rid of the obnoxious shaky camera work this time.

3.5 Stars (out of 5)

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thor the dark world posterIf only DC could learn from the Marvel movies. Here is a fun superhero movie that knows you don't have to be dark, serious, and three hours long to be good. This is a colorful fun romp of a film that does a good job of not taking itself too serious. Unlike the first Thor this one manages to balance the comedy and more serious moments more seamlessly. I really enjoy the Marvel movies but I never see the same one twice. With new ones coming out twice a year there's not enough time to re-visit the old ones on Bluray.

I'm not a fan of the TV show though. You have to draw the line somewhere.

3.5 Stars (out of 5)