Monthly Archives: February 2013

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side_effects_ver2I'm always a fan of Steven Soderbergh's movies but this was a real treat. Thankfully it was more fun than the very serious and realistic Contagion. With all of its twists and turns, Side Effects feels like a Hitchcockian suspense thriller, except a little more realistic and with a subtle build. Great performances by Rooney Mara and especially Jude Law who plays a total badass you do not want to mess with. This might be the most I've enjoyed him in a movie since The Talented Mr. Ripley, or maybe A.I.. There's enough cleverness and detail in this film that I'll probably watch it again, maybe even with audio commentary.

4 Stars (out of 5)

warm_bodies_ver9_xlgI liked it. It was cute but also a little scary. For a hipster comedic zombie love story, it wasn't half bad. To be honest my favorite thing about it was Rob Cordry's hilariously dry performance and funny one-liners. Aside from the shameless Romeo and Juliet allusions I enjoyed the story, characters, and dialog more than I have for most actual zombie movies. It might not be as funny as Shaun of the Dead or as scary as 28 Days Later, but it's kind of nice to see a film that strives to be somewhere in between. It could have easily all fell flat but the filmmakers did a really good job with the material.

3.5 Stars (out of 5)