Movie Review: World War Z

world-war-z-uk-posterThe first act plays out like a (somewhat) more competent version of Roland Emmerich's 2012. A father trying to save his family from the end of the world... In a car, a winnebago, a plane, etc., and always getting away in the nick of time while the world literally crumbles apart around them. It even has a crazy guy that inexplicably knows everything about what's going on so the characters know where to go next, (just like Woody Harrelson in 2012 or Tim Robbins in War of the Worlds, another carbon copy of this story). The rest of the audience probably thought I was laughing because the character didn't have teeth, but I was snickering at the absurdity of Hollywood making the same movie over and over. are some good scares in the first half of the film and some interesting zombie set pieces now and again. As the film continues on it starts to look more rough around the edges. Some parts felt sloppy to me, especially the flashbacks jammed into the airplane scene leading into the final section. I've heard people say they like the intimate, scaled down third act but I found it lacking and am curious about the original ending.

For me the best thing was that great Muse song. It was awesome in the opening and end credits. I'm afraid they may have played it a few too many times throughout the film though. It's such a great song that I wouldn't be surprised if it's a big part of why people are actually enjoying this otherwise flimsy film.

3 Stars (out of 5)

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About Alicia Stella

Alicia has been visiting theme parks since the age of 3. She has an incredible knack for memorizing park maps, loves theme park renovations and cannot wait to ride something new. She can often be found taking video of construction sites in the Central Florida theme parks and riding roller coasters!

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