Monthly Archives: January 2015

P1020053The huge facade on the front-side of the building at the site of Project 340 in Islands of Adventure is starting to really resemble the temple gate from the King Kong films as construction continues. In addition to the facade work, walls have started to go up around the indoor queue section near the right side of the structure. See the construction photos from today below to catch up on the progress.

Here's a comparison of the current structure to a still from the 2005 King Kong film:

king-kong-skull-island-islands-of-adventure-comparison ...continue reading

The-Wedding-Ringer-PosterWhile this might not be the most well constructed film, with its story taking clichés and bits and pieces from every other bromance, outrageous, and gross-out comedy that has come before it, there's enough laughs and heart to make this one worth watching. The chemistry between Josh Gad and Kevin Hart is perfect. Hart is playing something different from his usual high energy annoying sidekick character, instead playing a suave, seemingly confident, and calm character, and it works. The plot is predictable but the events that happen along the way aren't at all, sometimes feeling like they belong in a different film altogether, but that keeps it from getting boring. Here's hoping we see Josh Gad in more leading roles in the future.

3.0 Stars (out of 5)

Imitation-Game-PosterBenedict Cumberbatch does an incredible job inhabiting the persona of Alan Turning; portraying his genius, quirks, and his own strange way of saving thousands of lives. The film focuses on a few years during World War II, along with a small bit before and after the war. I would've liked to have seen a more bio-pic style, with more of his life covered, but by focusing on this time it does show his best contributions to humanity, and how he was ultimately "rewarded" for it. Would have loved to see a bit more elaboration on what Turing called the "imitation game", what we refer to now as the "Turing test", as it's briefly mentioned but not clearly defined.

3.5 Stars (out of 5)

P1020013Kongstruction is back in swing and stronger than ever this week. More and more steel has been arriving each day to the site of Project 340 in Islands of Adventure. The walls on all sides of the building are almost all up while the large facade supports continue to grow along the front edge of the structure. What looks to be the steel skeleton for the left-side of the large gate from Skull Island can now be seen. Below are the construction photos from today's visit. ...continue reading